Suffolk Grand Prix

Winners Table U7 U9 U11 U13 U15 U17 U18 U19/20/21 Sen O40/35
2003 Andy Turnbull (Kes) 55 Lee Richardson (Ips) 58 Lauren Jacobs (Ips) 51 Chris Osborne (Kes) 62 Lewis Osborne (Kes) 57 Rich Williamson (Som) 23 Gary Brown (Som) 39
2004 Liam Overett (Ips) Andy Turnbull (Kes) Jack Woolard (Ips) Ross Florey (Ips) Andy Mittell (Som) Gary Brown (Som)
2005 Adam Overett (Ips) 63 Liam Overett (Ips) 56 Joe Jacobs (Ips) 58 Josh Brooke (Ips) 57 Leon Mower (Ips) 53 Glen Wildon (Kes) 58.5
2006 Adam Overett (Ips) 56 = Liam Overett (Ips) 56 Andy Turnbull (Kes) 52 Lee Richardson (Ips) 57 Josh Brooke (Ips) 53 Gary Brown (Som) 62
2007 Ross Knight (Kes) 62 Adam Overett (Ips) 62 Liam Overett (Ips) 46 Jordan Stant (Ips) 15 Dan Croft (Kes) 8 Josh Brooke (Ips) 41
2008 Colby Hack (Ips) 62 Adam Overett (Ips) 60 Adam Overett (Ips) 54 James Day (GB) 31 Dan Osborne (GB) 37 Gary Brown (Som) 54
2009 Pierce Bacon (Kes) 64 Phil Day (GB) 64 Phil Day (GB) 60 Ash Hill (Ips) 64 Dan Osborne (GB) 61 George Solomon (Ips) 24 Adam Peck (GB) 32 Dave Solomon (Ips) 12
2010 Harrison Bacon (Kes) 63 Colby Hack (GB) 64 Richard Fellgett (Ips) 64 Ash Hill (Ips) 62 Dan Osborne (GB) 43 Lewis Osborne (GB) 44 Dave Solomon (Ips) 28
2011 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 64 Jack Chaplin (Ips) 64 Pierce Bacon (Kes) 63 Charlie Rumbold (Ips) 52 Ashley Hill (Ips) 35 Jason Ashford (GB) 46 Ray Pyke (GB) 16
2012 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 64 Jack Chaplin (Ips) 64 Pierce Bacon (Ips) 61 Richard Fellgett (Ips) 57 Dan Knights (Ips) 44 Josh Brooke (Ips) 48
2013 Oli Wright (Kes) 64 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 64 Pierce Bacon (Ips) 64 Ben Harvey (Ips) 62 Richard Fellgett (Ips) 60 Richard Fellgett (Ips) 57
2014 Oli Reynolds (Kes) 48 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 48 Harrison Bacon (Ips) 48 Ben Harvey (Ips) 46 Dan Knights (Ips) 44 Richard Fellgett (Ips) 43 Gary Brown (Kes) 48
2015 Charlie Beeton (Kes) 60 Jake Cazey (Kes) 62 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 64 Pierce Bacon (Ips) 64 Matt Hill (Ips) 60 Ashley Hill (Ips) 52 Gary Brown (Kes) 63
2016 Charlie Parr (Kes) 64 Jake Cazey (Kes) 64 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 64 Harrison Bacon (Ips) 64 Cody Chadwick (GB) 62 Gary Brown (Kes) 63
2017 Ryker Jolly (Kes) 63 Noah Woodhouse (Kes) 60 Aaron Robb (Kes) 64 Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes) 59 Ashley Hill (Ips) 46 Gary Brown (Kes) 64
2018 Conner Jarrett (Nor) 64 Harvey Shumake (Kes) 62 Charlie Parr (Kes) 63 Noah Woodhouse (Kes) 58 Ben Clarke (Ips) 52 Richard Fellgett (Ips) 63 Ashley Hill (Ips) 59 Gary Brown (Kes) 60
2019 Frank Spauls (Nor) 48 Oli Edmunds (Kes) 48 Ryker Jolly (Kes) 48 Noah Woodhouse (Kes) 48 Aaron Robb (Kes) 44 Lewis Brinkhoff (Ips) 28 Ashley Hill (Ips) 43 Ray Pyke (Kes) 45
2021 Lincoln Powling (Kes) 48 Theo Case (Kes) 46 Lynton Titshall (Kes) 45 Ryker Jolly (Kes) 48 Torsten Jolly (Kes) 45.2 Lewis Brinkhoff (Ips) 46 Jason Ashford (GB) 47
2022 Freddie Mower (GB) 48 Oliver Spurgeon (Kes) 48 Demi-Blu Harris (Kes) 47 Harvey Shumake (Kes) 46 Ryker Jolly (Kes) 48 Noah Woodhouse (Kes) 45 Luke Harrison (GB) 43

The 4 lowest age groups in 2003 were actually U10/U12/U14/U16.
The 2004 U15/U17/Sen are unofficial - I never received the official scores.
The 2009 U19/Sen/Vet are after 2 rounds - I never received the third round scores.

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