
2006 Fixtures

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Subject to Alteration
Date Time Venue Event Result
Sun Feb 5 East Newport Birmingham 93-87
Sun Feb 19 Birmingham East Newport 101-79
Sun Mar 12 12:00 Sandwell Sheffield MN
14:00 Stokport Bury MN
14:00 East Newport Southampton SW snow
14:00 Horspath Swindon SW
14:00 Newport Poole SW
16:15 East Newport Southampton SWC snow
16:15 Horspath Swindon SWC
15:30 Newport Poole SWC
Sun Mar 19 14:00 Birmingham Coventry MN 83-97
14:00 Leicester Sandwell MN 104-72
14:00 Wednesfield Sheffield MN 91-86
14:00 Astley & Tyldesley Bury MN
14:00 Hull Stoke MN
12:00 Stockport Edinburgh N off
14:00 Stockport Heckmondwike N off
11:00 Somersham Norwich SE1 69-90
15:00 East London Ipswich SE1 72-87
East London Ipswich SE2 95-65
11:00 Gt Blakenham Eaton NSL 105-40
15:00 Gt Blakenham Hethersett NSL 119-61
Newport East Newport 86-92
Swindon Poole SW 97-82
Sat Mar 25 Spixworth Spring Classic
Sun Mar 26 Horspath Southampton BPL 98-79
Leicester Bury BPL 96-81
Norwich Poole BPL 77-100
Sandwell Wednesfield BPL 90-86
13:00 Stockport Northern Junior League Stockport
15:00 Spixworth Colchester SEY 79-76
Sat Apr 1 13:00 Stoke Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R1
13:00 Spixworth Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R2 U8: C Reeve
U10: A Overett
U12: A Williams
U14: S Jarvis
U16: J Brooke
U18: L Mower
Team: Ipswich
12:00 Southampton Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R3
Sun Apr 2 14:00 Coventry Leicester MN 94-85
14:00 Sandwell Wednesfield MN 90-86
14:00 Sheffield Birmingham MN 116-63
14:00 Bury Stockport MN/N 84-94
14:00 Stoke Astley & Tyldesley MN/N 89-90
13:00 Hull Edinburgh N
15:00 Hull Heckmondwike N
13:00 Ipswich Blakenham 06 SE1 73-84
14:00 Norwich Gt Blakenham SE1 125-47
15:30 Norwich Gt Blakenham SEC 102-102
14:30 Ipswich B Colchester SE2 86.5-72.5
16:00 Ipswich Colchester SEY 69-61
14:00 East Newport Horspath SW 85-95
14:00 Southampton Stoke SW
14:00 Swindon Newport SW 81-94
16:15 East Newport Horspath SWC
16:15 Southampton Stoke SWC
15:30 Swindon Newport SWC
Wed Apr 5 19:00 Eaton Norfolk GP Nov./U16/Sen. R1 Nov: K Parr
U16: A Bennett
Sen: M Skinner
19:00 Ipswich Suffolk GP U9/U11/U13 R1 U9: A Overett / J Barnes
U11: N Hunting / L Overett
U13: R Beeston
Sun Apr 9 13:00 Ipswich TA Security EAGP R1 U10: A Overett
U13: R Beeston
U16: J Brooke
U19: L Mower
Sen: G Brown
14:00 Leicester Norwich BPL 103-73
14:00 Poole Southampton BPL 93-84
14:00 Bury Sandwell BPL 111-69
14:00 Wednesfield Horspath BPL 82-93
14:00 Swindon Exeter SWC
Astley & Tyldesley Northern Junior League Stockport
11:30 Astley & Tyldesley v Stoke v Stock. v Bury 57-31-38-33
13:30 Astley & Tyldesley Edin. v Heck.v Hull v Shef. 25-33-41-54
Wed Apr 12 19:30 Gt Blakenham Suffolk GP U15/U17/Sen. R1 U15: L Richardson
U17: J Brooke
Sen: L Osborne
Sat Apr 15 14:00 Exeter Southampton SWC 92-58
Sun Apr 16 14:00 Birmingham Leicester MN 76-104
14:00 Coventry Wednesfield MN 97-83
14:00 Stockport Hull MN
14:00 Stoke Bury MN 91-87
13:00 Astley & Tyldesley Edinburgh N 88-58
13:00 Blakenham 06 Norwich SE1 79-76
14:30 Gt Blakenham Ipswich SE1 49-110
16:00 Gt Blakenham Ipswich SEC 82-102
11:00 Somersham Eaton NSL 90-68
15:00 Somersham Hethersett NSL 90-89
15:00 East London B Kesgrave SE2 93-65
14:00 Filton Poole SW
14:00 Newport Horspath SW 91-84
14:00 Southampton Swindon SW 96-81
15:30 Filton Poole SWC
15:30 Newport Horspath SWC
16:15 Southampton Swindon SWC 47-58
Wed Apr 19 19:30 Ipswich Suffolk U16 Team Tourn.
Sat Apr 22 13:00 Tameside Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R2
13:00 Somersham Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R2 U8: C Reeve
U10: A Overett
U12: L Trabold
U14: S Jarvis
U16: L Richardson
U18: L Mower
Team: Ipswich
12:00 East Newport Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R2
Sun Apr 23 14:00 Norwich Bury BPL 89-88
14:00 Poole Horspath BPL 75-100
14:00 Sandwell Leicester BPL 70-103
14:00 Wednesfield Southampton BPL 88-82
Sun Apr 23 14:00 Colchester Gt Blakenham B SE2 51-79
15:30 Colchester Hethersett SEY 62-98
14:00 Exeter East Newport SWC 85-64
13:00 Hull Northern Junior League R3
Wed Apr 26 19:00 Hethersett Carmichaels Norfolk U16 Final 1 D Adams
2 J Abbott
3 B Collins
19:30 Astley & Tyldesley Manchester Grand Prix
Sat Apr 29 Sheffield British Club Championship U16 Leicester 49
Ipswich 37
Sheffield 36
Newport 33
Spixworth Spring Classic L Nowacki
Sun Apr 30 14:00 Ipswich Somersham SE1 90-66
15:00 Norwich East London SE1 92-64
15:00 Kesgrave Gt Blakenham B SE2 73-85
15:30 Ipswich Spixworth SEY 98-60
11:00 Eaton Hethersett NSL 68-91
14:00 Leicester Wednesfield MN 98-81
14:00 Sandwell Birmingham MN
14:00 Sheffield Coventry MN 77-99
14:00 Bury Hull MN 119-56
13:00 Stoke Edinburgh N 95-54
15:00 Stoke Heckmondwike N
14:00 Hellingly Horspath SW
14:00 Newport Swindon SW 91.5-84.5
14:00 Poole East Newport SW 94-82
14:00 Southampton Filton SW
15:30 Newport Swindon SWC 76-71
16:15 Poole East Newport SWC 74-74
15:30 Southampton Filton SWC
Mon May 1 14:00 Sandwell John Baugh Memorial
Stockport Dave Blinston Memorial 1 T Norman
2 B Scranage
3 D Kent
Tue May 2 19:30 Gt Blakenham Ipswich NSL 83-75
Wed May 3 19:00 Hethersett Norfolk GP Nov./U16/Sen. R2 Nov: K Parr
U16: A Bennett
Sen: G Colby
19:00 Gt Blakenham Suffolk GP U9/U11/U13 R2 U9: A Overett / D Knights
U11: L Overett
U13: G Solomon / R Beeston
Sat May 6 Norwich Norwich Grand Prix 1 L Nowacki
2 B Loombe
3 L Osborne
Norwich Malcolm Flood Memorial Pairs Norwich
Newport Welsh Open 1 D Pudney
2 L Jozwiak
3 L Aris
13:00 Edinburgh Northern KOC Senior Sheffield 44
Stockport 41
Bury 36
Astley 35
Northern KOC Junior Sheffield 112
Bury 87
Stockport 70
18:00 Edinburgh Stockport N 83-66
14:00 Southampton Exeter SWC 77-73
Almere European Veterans Dutch GP
Sun May 7 14:00 Eaton EA U16/Open Fours Leagues R1
11:00 Gt Wakering Essex & London League R1
14:00 Horspath Norwich BPL 115-61
14:00 Leicester Poole BPL 96-81
14:00 Southampton Sandwell BPL 90-86
14:00 Bury Wednesfield BPL
Edinburgh Northern Junior League R4
11:30 Edinburgh v Heck. v Hull v Shef.
13:30 Edinburgh A&T v Stoke v Stock. v Bury
Wed May 10 19:30 Kesgrave Suffolk GP U15/U17/Sen. R2 U15: L Richardson
U17: J Brooke
Sen: G Brown
19:30 Bury Manchester Grand Prix
Sat May 13 Astley & Tyldesley British Club Championship U10 Ipswich 52
Wednesfield 41
Sheffield 37
Weymouth 30
14:00 Exeter Horspath SWC
Sun May 14 15:00 Leicester Hull BTC R1 120-56
15:00 Norwich Sandwell BTC R1 103-74
15:00 Poole Horspath BTC R1 92-83
15:00 Stockport Bury BTC R1 93-82
14:00 Sheffield Wednesfield MN
14:00 Edinburgh Stoke N 57-88
15:00 Ipswich B Kesgrave SE2 72-87
15:00 East London B Colchester SE2 103-57
14:00 Hellingly Filton SW
14:00 Swindon Southampton SW 89-91
16:15 Swindon Southampton SWC 78-71
Wed May 17 19:30 Ipswich Somersham NSL 73-80
19:00 Spixworth Norfolk Novice Fours League R1 Spixworth
Sat May 20 Poole Bury BPL 105-74
13:00 Hull Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R3 U8: L Kemp
U10: M Haddock
U12: M Beharrell
U14: L Wild
U16: D Crouch
U18: J Hibberd
Team: Wednesfield
13:00 Norwich Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R3 U8: C Reeve
U10: R Fellget
U12: A Williams
U14: S Jarvis
U16: J Brooke
U18: L Mower
Team: Ipswich
12:00 Newport Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R3 U8: J Robinson
U10: M Milden
U12: A Coles
U14: T Reed
U16: S Wyatt
U18: R Jones
Team: Newport
Sun May 21 14:00 Horspath Leicester BPL
14:00 Southampton Bury BPL
14:00 Norwich Sandwell BPL
14:00 Poole Wednesfield BPL
14:00 Edinburgh Hull N
15:00 Gt Blakenham B Ipswich B SE2 87-73
15:00 Hethersett Colchester SEY 108-71
13:00 Astley & Tyldesley Northern Junior League R5
14:00 East Newport Filton SW
14:00 Swindon Hellingly SW 94-81
15:30 East Newport Filton SWC
Wed May 24 19:00 Kesgrave Suffolk U13 Team Tournament
19:30 Stockport Manchester Grand Prix
Sat May 27 15:00 Poole Home International England 59
Wales 49
Scotland 37
Ireland 33
Southampton Southampton Grand Prix
Astley & Tyldesley Festival Nov: J Lush
Jun: C Eaton
Sen: T Norman
Sun May 28 14:00 Leicester Sheffield MN 81-97
14:00 Sandwell Coventry MN 81-96
14:00 Wednesfield Birmingham MN
14:00 Astley & Tyldesley Stockport MN
13:00 Bury Edinburgh N off
15:00 Bury Heckmondwike N 89-46
Sun May 28 13:00 Blakenham 06 Somersham SE1 59-88
14:30 Gt Blakenham East London SE1 off
16:00 Gt Blakenham B East London B SE2 off
11:00 Eaton Ipswich NSL 78-82
14:00 Hethersett Ipswich NSL 85-75
15:30 Hethersett Ipswich SEY 98-61
14:00 East Newport Swindon SW 91-85
14:00 Filton Horspath SW
14:00 Newport Southampton SW
16:15 East Newport Swindon SWC
15:30 Filton Horspath SWC
16:15 Newport Southampton SWC
Poole Ade Gale Laurels 1 S Woodhouse
2 A Peck
3 P Howells
Jun: L Richardson
Mon May 29 Southampton All England Fours
Tue May 30 19:30 Somersham Gt Blakenham NSL 71-88
Sat Jun 3 Newport European Veterans Welsh GP
Sun Jun 4 14:00 Norwich Southampton BPL 77-79
14:00 Sandwell Horspath BPL
14:00 Wednesfield Leicester BPL 85-91
14:00 Poole Swindon SW
16:15 Poole Swindon SWC
13:00 Hethersett TA Security EAGP R2 U10: A Overett
U13: R Beeston
U16: J Brooke
U19: T Pike
Sen: M Skinner
11:00 Gt Wakering Essex & London League R2 U16: Colchester
Sen: East London
Stockport Northern Junior League R6
11:30 Stockport v Edin v Stoke v Hull 54-28-47-26
13:30 Stockport Bury v Shef. v A&T v Heck. 35-39-44-30
Wed Jun 7 19:00 Norwich Norfolk GP Nov/U16/Sen R3 Nov: K Parr
U16: A Bennett
Sen: G Colby
19:30 Somersham Suffolk GP U15/U17/Sen. R3 U15: J Jacobs
U17: J Brooke
Sen: G Brown
Sat Jun 10 Gt Blakenham British Club Championship Veterans Southampton 49
Spixworth 41
Poole 36
Wednesfield 30
Ipswich England v Poland 90-80
Sun Jun 11 Leicester Norwich BTC QF 100-77
Southampton Poole BTC QF 87-83
Hellingly Stockport BTCQF 74-104
Stoke Wednesfield BTCQF 79-97
14:00 Birmingham Sheffield MN
14:00 Hull Astley & Tyldesley MN 65-113
14:00 Heckmondwike Edinburgh N
15:00 East London Somersham SE1 80-75
14:00 Gt Blakenham Blakenham 06 SE1 63-97
15:30 Gt Blakenham B Colchester SE2 91-67
Tue Jun 13 19:30 Somersham Gt Blakenham SE1 88-71
Wed Jun 14 19:30 Ipswich Gt Blakenham NSL 65-90
19:00 Norwich Norfolk U10/U13 Individual Final
19:30 Astley & Tyldesley Manchester Grand Prix
Sat Jun 17 13:00 Bury Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R4
13:00 Ipswich Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R4
12:00 Horspath Wosskow Brown BY&JL Regional R4
17:30 Horspath Exeter SWC
Sun Jun 18 14:00 Southampton Leicester BPL
14:00 Bury Horspath BPL
14:00 Sandwell Poole BPL
14:00 Wednesfield Norwich BPL 105-74
Sun Jun 18 14:30 Colchester Ipswich B SE2 84-76
15:30 Colchester Ipswich SEY 60-69
15:00 Spixworth Hethersett SEY 53-107
14:00 Newport Filton SW
15:30 Newport Filton SWC
Hull Northern Junior League R7
11:30 Hull v Stock. v Heck. v A&T
13:30 Hull Shef. v Bury v Heck. v Stoke
Wed Jun 21 19:30 Somersham Suffolk U16 Championship J Brooke
Sat Jun 24 Norwich British Individual U19 Final 1 A Mittell
2 N Myhill
3 A Birks
Norwich British Club Championship Women Leicester
Edinburgh European Veterans Scottish GP
Jun 24-25 York Rally
Sun Jun 25 14:00 Coventry Birmingham MN
14:00 Sandwell Leicester MN 90-89
14:00 Bury Astley & Tyldesley MN
14:00 Stoke Hull MN
14:00 Heckmondwike Stockport N
14:00 Norwich Somersham SE1 86-74
14:00 Ipswich East London SE1 85-70
15:30 Ipswich B East London B SE2 88-77
15:00 Kesgrave Colchester SE2 94-66
11:00 Eaton Gt Blakenham NSL 72-87
15:00 Hethersett Gt Blakenham NSL 74-86
14:00 East Newport Poole SW 116-61
14:00 Filton Swindon SW
14:00 Horspath Newport SW
14:00 Southampton Hellingly SW 92-84
16:15 East Newport Poole SWC
15:30 Filton Swindon SWC
15:30 Horspath Newport SWC
Tue Jun 27 19:30 Somersham Ipswich NSL 79-80
Wed Jun 28 19:00 Kesgrave Suffolk GP U9/U11/U13 R3 U9: C Reeve
U11: L Overett / N Hunting
U13: J Jacobs
19:00 Spixworth Norfolk GP Nov./U16/Sen. R4 Nov: K Parr
U16: D Adams
Sen: G Colby
19:30 Bury Manchester Grand Prix
Sat Jul 1 Sandwell British Individual Championship U10 1 M Mildon
2 C Reeve
3 J Avery
Girls: R Woolard
12:00 Bury European Veterans English GP F Rothwell
14:00 Bury Ken Graham Memorial R Burchardt
14:00 Horspath Southampton SW
14:00 Poole Filton SW
16:15 Horspath Southampton SWC
15:30 Poole Filton SWC
Sun Jul 2 14:00 Leicester Horspath BPL 86-92
14:00 Bury Soutampton BPL 97-80
14:00 Wednesfield Sandwell BPL 94-76
14:00 Astley & Tyldesley Stoke MN/N 90-87
14:00 Heckmondwike Hull N
14:00 Kesgrave East Anglian U16/Open Fours R2
11:00 Colchester Essex & London League R3
16:15 Swindon East Newport SWC
Sat Jul 8 12:00 East London Wosskow Brown BY&JL National R1 U8: C Reeve
U10: M Haddock
U12: M Beharrell
U14: S Jarvis
U16: L Richardson
U18: J Hibberd
Team: Ipswich
Bristol England v Poland 69-105
Sun Jul 9 14:00 Leicester Coventry MN 75-99
14:00 Wednesfield Sandwell MN
14:00 Stockport Stoke MN/N
14:00 Edinburgh Bury N 51-96
13:00 Blakenham 06 Ipswich SE1 83-73
14:30 Gt Blakenham Norwich SE1 60-96
16:00 Gt Blakenham Norwich SEC 74-106
15:00 Colchester Kesgrave SE2 63-96
14:00 Horspath Poole SW 88-91
16:15 Horspath Poole SWC 44-78
14:00 Swindon Exeter SWC
Tue Jul 11 19:30 Gt Blakenham Somersham NSL 86-41
Wed Jul 12 19:00 Norwich Norfolk U16 Fours R2 Norwich
Sat Jul 15 Newport British Club Championship U19 1 Sandwell 47
2 Newport 42
3 Sheffield 38
Ipswich 28
Sun Jul 16 14:00 Horspath Wednesfield BPL
14:00 Norwich Leicester BPL 84-90
14:00 Southampton Poole BPL
14:00 Sandwell Bury BPL 84-95
14:00 Edinburgh Astley & Tyldesley N 71-78
13:00 Bury Northern Junior League R8
11:00 Eaton Somersham NSL 80-76
14:00 Hethersett Somersham NSL 87-54
15:30 Hethersett Spixworth SEY 99-55
12:00 Newport Hellingly SW 93-87
14:00 East Newport Hellingly SW 95-84
14:00 Exeter Filton SWC
Wed Jul 19 19:00 Spixworth EA U16 Fours Norfolk SF Hethersett 56
Norwich 48
Spixworth 30
19:00 Gt Blakenham EA U16 Fours Suffolk SF off
Fri Jul 21 Wednesfield European Championships
Sat Jul 22 European Championships
Sun Jul 23 European Championships Damian Wozny
14:00 Hellingly Swindon SW
14:00 Exeter Poole SWC
Wed Jul 26 19:00 Norwich Norfolk Grand Prix Series Novice/U16/Senior R5 Nov: L Connor
U16: J Abbott
Sen: M Skinner
19:30 Kesgrave Suffolk U19 Ind. Championship D Pike
19:30 Stockport Manchester Grand Prix Stockport
Thu Jul 27 Hethersett Breckland Autos Charity Cup 1 L Grange
2 P Howells
3 D Martin
Sat Jul 29 Stockport British U13 Ind. Championship 1 T Reed
2 B Mould
3 D Chambers
13:00 Newport South West Rose Bowl East Newport 60
Newport 57
Hellingly 49
Swindon 49
Filton 43
Weymouth 33
Newport Gold Cup Hellingly 54
Southampton 53
Poole 48
East Newport 44
Newport 44
Horspath 44
Sun Jul 30 13:00 Somersham TA Security EAGP R3 U10: A Overett
U13: R Beeston
U16: J Brooke
U19: L Mower
Sen: M Skinner
14:00 Horspath Poole BPL 90-84
14:00 Leicester Sandwell BPL 120-54
14:00 Southampton Wednesfield BPL 86-86
14:00 Bury Norwich BPL 94-79
Heckmondwike Northern Junior League
11:30 Heckmondwike v Hull v Bury v Stockport 52-31-29-44
13:30 Heckmondwike Stoke v A&T v Shef. v Edin. 53-40-45-22
14:00 Filton East Newport SW
15:30 Filton East Newport SWC
Wed Aug 2 19:00 Somersham Suffolk GP U9/U11/U13 R4 U9: R Felgett
U11: L Overett
U13: A Turnbull / G Solomon
Sat Aug 5 Ipswich British Club Championship Open 1 Leicester
2 Wednesfield
3 Sheffield
4 Poole
Sun Aug 6 14:00 Birmingham Sandwell MN
14:00 Coventry Sheffield MN 97-79
14:00 Wednesfield Leicester MN 85-94
14:00 Astley & Tyldesley Hull MN/N 100-75
14:00 Stoke Stockport MN/N
14:00 Heckmondwike Bury N
12:00 Hethersett Hawks 40th Anniversary Meeting U12: T Collins
11:00 Somersham Ipswich SE1 91-87
15:00 East London Norwich SE1 76-82
15:00 Gt Blakenham B Kesgrave SE2 90-83
14:00 Filton Newport SW
14:00 Hellingly East Newport SW 94-85
14:00 Poole Southampton SW
14:00 Swindon Horspath SW
15:30 Filton Newport SWC
16:15 Poole Southampton SWC
16:15 Swindon Horspath SWC
Tue Aug 8 15:00 Astley & Tyldesley Heckmondwike N 87-63
Wed Aug 9 19:00 Spixworth Norfolk U19/Senior Championship U19: J Abbott
Sen: P Howells
19:30 Ipswich Suffolk GP U15/U17/Sen. R4 U15: R Beeston
U17: L Richardson
Sen: G Brown
Sat Aug 12 12:00 Astley & Tyldesley Wosskow Brown BY&JL National R2 U8: J Robinson
U10:M Haddock
U12: M Beharrell
U14: T Reed
U16: D Crouch
U18: J Hibberd
Team: Ipswich
18:00 Coventry England v Poland 80-92
Sun Aug 13 14:00 Norwich Horspath BPL 67-110
14:00 Poole Leicester BPL 94-84
14:00 Sandwell Southampton BPL 98-75
14:00 Wednesfield Bury BPL 111-66
15:00 Spixworth Ipswich SEY 50-80
Sheffield Northern Junior League
11:30 Sheffield v Bury v Edin. v Stoke 52-40-0-52
13:30 Sheffield Hull v Stock. v Heck. v A&T 43-27-37-51
Wed Aug 16 19:00 Norwich East Anglian Fours Norfolk SF off
19:30 Gt Blakenham Suffolk 4TT Ipswich 57
Gt Blakenham 50
Somersham 35
Sat Aug 19 Hull British Veterans Championship 1 Ian Lawrence
2 M Gamble
3 P Hemmings
Norwich Pride of The East L Osborne
Norwich Junior Sport Trophy R Beeston
12:00 Poole SW Junior Grand Prix R5 U8: J Robinson
U10: J Avery
U12: A Hughes
U14: T Reed
U16: M Carmichael
U18: R Taylor
17:30 Poole Exeter SWC
Sun Aug 20 14:00 Leicester Birmingham MN 120-60
14:00 Sheffield Sandwell MN 115-64
14:00 Wednesfield Coventry MN 98-80
14:00 Bury Stoke MN/N 91-88
14:00 Hull Stockport MN/N
14:00 Heckmondwike Astley & Tyldesley N 65-81
11:00 Gt Blakenham Somersham SE1 52-106
15:00 East London Blakenham 06 SE1 79-78
11:00 Kesgrave Ipswich B SE2 97-63
14:00 East Newport Newport SW
14:00 Swindon Filton SW
14:00 Poole Horspath SW 93-85
14:00 Hellingly Southampton SW
15:30 East Newport Newport SWC 96-84
15:30 Swindon Filton SWC
16:15 Poole Horspath SWC 61-52
Wed Aug 23 19:30 Gt Blakenham Suffolk U16 Team Tourn.
Sat Aug 26 16:00 Astley & Tyldesley British Individual Championship SF
16:00 Hull British Individual Championship SF
16:00 Stockport British Individual Championship SF
Sun Aug 27 15:00 Astley & Tyldesley British Individual Championship SF
15:00 Hull British Individual Championship SF
15:00 Stockport British Individual Championship SF
12:00 Sheffield British U16 Ind. SFs
Mon Aug 28 12:00 Bury British U16 Individual Final 1 D Crouch
2 A Birks
3 J Brooke
15:00 British Individual Final 1 L Aris
2 S Woodhouse
3 G Wheeler
Wed Aug 30 19:00 Somersham Suffolk U13 Ind. Championship J Jacobs
18:30 Spixworth Norfolk Nov/U16/Sen GP R6 Nov: D Chambers
U16: J Abbott
Sen: M Skinner
Sat Sep 2 Leicester British Club Championship U13 1 Newport 48
2 Sandwell 40
3 Leicester 39
4 Wednesfield 32
British Women's Championship 1 L Whitehead
2 R Edge
3 L Jacobs
16:30 Bury Poole BPL 82-96
Sun Sep 3 14:00 Bury Leicester BPL 70-105
14:00 Southampton Horspath BPL 76-103
14:00 Sandwell Norwich BPL 96-83
14:00 Wednesfield Poole BPL 91-87
14:00 Filton Hellingly SW
11:00 East London Essex & London League R4 U16: Colchester
Sen: East London
Stoke Northern Junior League Stockport
11:30 Stoke v A&T v Shef. v Edin. 53-45-46-0
13:30 Stoke Heck. v Hull v Bury v Stock. 46-18-39-52
Wed Sep 6 19:00 Ipswich Suffolk U10 Ind. Championship A Overett
19:00 Eaton Norfolk U16 Fours League R3 Norwich
19:30 Astley & Tyldesley Manchester Junior Final U13: D O'Shea
U16: C Dyson
U19: C Eaton
Sat Sep 9 12:00 Exeter Wosskow Brown BY&JL National R3 U10: J Avery
U14: T Reed
U18: D McCrae
Team: Exeter
Sun Sep 10 11:00 Coventry Wednesfield v Leicester BTC SF1 79-97
12:30 Stockport v Southampton BTC SF2 82-93
15:00 Leicester v Southampton BTC F 94-79
14:00 Edinburgh Heckmondwike N 85-58
14:00 Hellingly Newport SW
Wed Sep 13 19:30 Gt Blakenham Suffolk Senior Ind. Championship J Studd
Hethersett Club Championship U16: J Abbott
U19: D Bennett
Bury Manchester Championship B Scranage
Sat Sep 16 14:00 Hethersett EA Cup U16 Fours Ipswich 51
Hethersett 50
Kesgrave 41
Spixworth 18
EA Cup Sen Fours Gt Blakenham 51+4
Hethersett 51+3
Ipswich 36
Hethersett B 21
12:00 Swindon SW Junior GP R6
Leicester European Veterans GP Vets: I Lawrence
G Vets: L Stevens
14:00 Poole Norwich BPL 109-68
Sun Sep 17 14:00 Horspath Sandwell BPL
14:00 Leicester Wednesfield BPL 94-81
14:00 Southampton Norwich BPL 91-87
14:00 Poole Hellingly SW 99-80
13:00 East Newport Exeter SWC 64-83
16:00 Filton Exeter SWC
15:00 Colchester East London B SE2 69-91
13:00 Eaton TA Security EAGP R4 U10: A Overett
U13: A Turnbull
U16: D Bennett
U19: J Brooke
Sen: G Brown
Heckmondwike Northern Alliance Individuals U13: R O'Shea
U16: L Aylmer
U19: T Doyle
Sen: B Scranage
Vet: D Kent
Wed Sep 20 19:00 Hethersett Norfolk GP Nov./U16/Sen. R7 Nov: D Chambers
U16: D Bennett
Sen: M Skinner
Sat Sep 23 Spixworth British Grand Vets Champs C Wheeler
13:00 Horspath South West Individuals
Sun Sep 24 14:00 Birmingham Wednesfield MN
14:00 Coventry Sandwell MN 106-73
14:00 Sheffield Leicester MN 93-80
14:00 Hull Bury MN/N
14:00 Stockport Astley & Tyldesley MN/N 93-87
14:00 Heckmondwike Stoke N
11:00 Somersham Blakenham 06 SE1 54-100
11:00 Ipswich Eaton NSL 85.5-73.5
14:00 Ipswich Hethersett NSL 78-78
15:30 Ipswich Hethersett SEY 53-76
15:00 Colchester Spixworth SEY 84-42
14:00 Hellingly Poole SW 94-85
14:00 Horspath Filton SW
14:00 Southampton East Newport SW 85-91
15:30 Horspath Filton SWC
16:15 Southampton East Newport SWC
14:00 Newport Exeter SWC
Swindon M&S Van Hire Club Championship R Hunt
Sat Sep 30 11:00 Ipswich East Anglian Junior Ind. Finals U10: R Felgett
U13: R Beeston
U16: J Brooke
Suffolk U13 v Norfolk U13 100-79
Suffolk U16 v Norfolk U16 79-100
Astley & Tyldesley Midland & North Individuals U13: J Palmer
U16: C Timms
U19: C Timms
Sen: L Aris
Vets: P Dyson
14:00 Filton Southampton SW
14:00 Horspath East Newport SW
14:00 Poole Newport SW 95-83
15:30 Filton Southampton SWC
16:15 Horspath East Newport SWC
15:30 Poole Newport SWC 60-79
Sun Oct 1 14:00 Horspath Bury BPL
14:00 Leicester Southampton BPL Rain
14:00 Norwich Wednesfield BPL 93-85
14:00 Poole Sandwell BPL 110-66
14:00 Filton Hellingly SW
11:00 Hethersett Eaton NSL 95-60
Bury Northern Junior League Sheffield
11:30 Bury v Shef. v A&T v Heck. 32-51-40-35
13:30 Bury Stock. v Edin. v Stoke v Hull 43-10-58-34
Wed Oct 4 19:00 Hethersett Norfolk U16 Fours League R4 Hethersett
Sat Oct 7 13:00 Norwich SE League Riders Championships SE1: L Osborne
SE2: S Jarvis
12:00 Exeter SW Junior GP Final
14:00 Bury Chairman's Cup L Smith
Sun Oct 8 11:00 Somersham East London SE1 68-87
14:00 Blakenham 06 East London SE1 100-60
14:00 Norwich Ipswich SE1 91-68
15:30 Norwich Ipswich SEC 120-77
14:00 Horspath Hellingly SW
14:00 Swindon East Newport SW 85-95
14:00 Southampton Newport SW off
15:30 Southampton Newport SWC
14:00 Stoke Coventry v Astley MN SF 102-73
Sheffield v Stockport MN SF 104-76
Hethersett Club Championship D Martin
Pairs: D & P Adams
Sat Oct 14 13:00 Spixworth East Anglian U19 & Open Finals U19: J Brooke
Sen: J Studd
Sun Oct 15 14:00 Stoke Midland & North SFs
15:30 Gt Blakenham B East London B SE2 83-95
14:00 Ipswich Norwich SE1 67-90
15:30 Ipswich Norwich SEC 67-98
11:00 Ipswich B Gt Blakenham B SE2 77-77
Wed Oct 18 19:00 Hethersett Norfolk GP Nov./U16/Sen. R8 Nov: L Connor
U16: A Bennett
Sen: L Cossey
Sun Oct 22 14:00 Stoke Sheffield v Coventry MN Final 87-92
15:00 Norwich Blakenham 06 SE1 86-67
15:00 Kesgrave East London B SE2 83-77
11:00 Somersham GB Contracts Club Championship M Borrett
Newport Club Championship K Jones
Sun Oct 29 East London Youth Championship S Jarvis
Sun Nov 5 16:30 East London B Gt Blakenham B SE2 107-64
Sat Dec 2 Salford Indoor Junior Individuals/4TT
Sun Dec 3 Indoor Senior Individuals/4TT
BTC British Team Championship
BPL British Premier League
MN Midlands & North League
SE South East League
SW South West League
M Midland League
NSL Norfolk & Suffolk League
N Northern League
PROV Provisional