1991 Fixtures

19-Jan Norwich Indoor Festival Individuals
20-Jan Norwich Indoor Festival Fours
3-Mar Wednesfield Birmingham BLM
10-Mar Birmingham Dudley BLM
17-Mar Sandwell Birmingham BLM
24-Mar Norwich Leicester SEA
Exeter Bristol SG A BLSW
Newport Poole Comets BLSW
Poole Tigers Weymouth BLSW
30-Mar Norwich Hunting Hire Classic C Harcourt
31-Mar Birmingham Sandwell BLSW
Poole Tigers Newport BLSW
Bristol SG A Weymouth BLSW
Exeter Poole Comets BLSW
6-Apr Weymouth Swindon BLSW
7-Apr Sheffield Manchester BLN
Leicester Thurrock BLN
Horspath Basildon BLN
Ipswich Eaton BLSE
Norwich North Park BLSE
Wimbledon Hawbush BLSE2
East London Headley BLSE2
Poole Tigers Poole Comets BLSW
Bristol SG B Bristol SG A BLSW
Newport Weymouth BLSW
Swindon Exeter BLSW
14-Apr Dudley Birmingham BLM
Birmingham Stockport BLN
Sheffield Tameside BLN
Hull Sowerby Bridge BLN
Heckmondwike Newcastle BLN
Basildon Leicester SEA
Thurrock Norwich BLSE
Gt Blakenham Horspath BLSE
Spixworth Ipswich BLSE
Hawbush East London BLSE2
Headley Tolworth BLSE2
20-Apr Hethersett Silver Jubilee
21-Apr Birmingham Wednesfield BLM
Tameside Manchester BLN
Stockport Sheffield BLN
Sowerby Bridge Birmingham BLN
Newcastle Hull BLN
Leicester Horspath SEA
Basildon Gt Blakenham BLSE
Eaton Spixworth BLSE
North Park Thurrock BLSE
Wimbledon Headley BLSE2
Tolworth Hawbush BLSE2
Bristol SG A Swindon BLSW
Poole Comets Newport BLSW
Bristol SG B Poole Tigers BLSW
Exeter Weymouth BLSW
Bristol SG B Poole C BLSW
27-Apr Bristol SG Norwich BTC R1 110-68
Dudley Tameside BTC R1 93-82
Exeter Thurrock BTC R1 95-81
Leicester Poole BTC R1 89-91
Stockport Sowerby Bridge BTC R1 106-74
28-Apr Stockport Manchester BLN
Hull Heckmondwike BLN
Birmingham Newcastle BLN
Sheffield Sowerby Bridge BLN
Spixworth Leicester SEA
Norwich Basildon BLSE
Horspath Eaton BLSE
Ipswich North Park BLSE
Crawley Hawbush BLSE2
East London Tolworth BLSE2
Headley Morden BLSE2
Newport Swindon BLSW
4-May Gt Blakenham Anglian Burglar Alarm Ind.
5-May Sandwell Wednesfield BLM
Spixworth Norwich BLSE
Thurrock Horspath BLSE
Gt Blakenham Ipswich BLSE
Crawley East London BLSE2
Hawbush Headley BLSE2
Wimbledon Hellingly BLSE2
Leicester Poole Comets BLSWP
Sandwell Wednesfield BLSWP
Poole Tigers Dudley BLSWP
Poole Tigers Swindon BLSW
Bristol SG A Bristol SG B BLSW
Hull BLN Fours
Exeter SW Fours R1
8-May Gt Blakenham Trimley SD1 82-48
Somersham Kesgrave SD1
11-May BTC R2
12-May Leicester Sandwell BLM/SW
Manchester Sowerby Bridge BLN
Tameside Stockport BLN
Newcastle Sheffield BLN
Birmingham Heckmondwike BLN
Basildon Thurrock BLSE
Eaton Gt Blakenham BLSE
North Park Spixworth BLSE
Tolworth Wimbledon BLSE2
Morden Hellingly BLSE2
Wednesfield Poole Comets BLSWP
Poole Tigers Bristol SG A BLSW
Newport Weymouth BLSW
Swindon Exeter BLSW
Poole C Bristol SG B BLSW
15-May Trimley Gt Blakenham EAL2 74-87
Kesgrave Somersham EAL2
18-May Hellingly Headley BLSE2
19-May Wednesfield Leicester BLM
Newcastle Manchester BLN
Sowerby Bridge Tameside BLN
Birmingham Hull BLN
Sheffield Heckmondwike BLN
Ipswich Basildon BLSE
Norwich Eaton BLSE
Horspath North Park BLSE
East London Morden BLSE2
Crawley Tolworth BLSE2
Dudley Poole Tigers BLSWP
Bristol SG A Sandwell BLSWP
Wednesfield Leicester BLSWP
Poole Comets Exeter BLSW
Bristol SG B Newport BLSW
Swindon Poole C BLSW
22-May Somersham Woodbridge EAL
Gt Blakenham Trimley EAL 112-68
25-May Bristol SG A Newport BLSW
Poole Tigers Newport BLSW
North Park Browsers Marathon A Cross
26-May Spixworth Horspath BLSE
Gt Blakenham Norwich BLSE
Thurrock Ipswich BLSE
Headley Crawley BLSE2
Hawbush Hellingly BLSE2
Wimbledon East London BLSE2
Bury Eric Walker Trophy N Howarth
Bury Woollertons Trophy
Poole Laurels
27-May Poole All England Fours
29-May Trimley Somersham SD1 50-78
Kesgrave Gt Blakenham SD1
1-Jun Ipswich North Park BSTC QF 70-110
Wednesfield Thurrock BSTC QF 86-93
Hellingly East London BLSE2
2-Jun Leicester Dudley BLM
Hull Manchester BLN
Heckmondwike Tameside BLN
Newcastle Stockport BLN
Sheffield Birmingham BLN
Basildon Spixworth BLSE
Eaton Thurrock BLSE
North Park Gt Blakenham BLSE
Tolworth Headley BLSE2
Morden Wimbledon BLSE2
Leicester Dudley BLSWP
Sandwell Poole Tigers BLSWP
Poole Comets Bristol SG A BLSWP
Weymouth Newport BLSW
Poole C Exeter BLSW
5-Jun Kesgrave Trimley EAL2 78-72
Gt Blakenham Somersham EAL2
8-Jun Horspath Bristol SG BJTC QF 99-79
Sandwell Sowerby Bridge BJTC QF 106-65
Thurrock Ipswich BJTC QF 87-90
Eaton John Walker Pairs Eaton
Eaton Harford Centre Pairs Leicester
Bury Pilkington Cycles Trophy P Dyson
9-Jun Manchester Heckmondwike BLN
Tameside Newcastle BLN
Hull Sheffield BLN
Stockport Sowerby Bridge BLN
Norwich Horspath BLSE
Gt Blakenham Thurrock BLSE
Basildon Eaton BLSE
Tolworth Hellingly BLSE2
Headley East London BLSE2
Crawley Morden BLSE2
Hawbush Wimbledon BLSE2
Bristol SG A Dudley BLSWP
Leicester Poole Tigers BLSWP
Poole Comets Wednesfield BLSWP
Bristol SG B Swindon BLSW
Newport Poole C BLSW
12-Jun Somersham Trimley SD1 79-51
Gt Blakenham Kesgrave SD1
15-Jun Gt Blakenham Poole BYTC QF 87-93
Leicester Headley BYTC QF 113-63
Sandwell Exeter BYTC QF 104-74
Spixworth Ipswich BYTC QF 95.5-83.5
Hellingly Crawley BLSE2
16-Jun Dudley Sandwell BLM/SW
Manchester Birmingham BLN
Tameside Hull BLN
Stockport Heckmondwike BLN
Thurrock Leicester SEA
Spixworth Gt Blakenham BLSE
Ipswich Norwich BLSE
North Park Basildon BLSE
Eaton Horspath BLSE
Hawbush Morden BLSE2
Wednesfield Bristol SG A BLSWP
Poole Comets Bristol SG B BLSW
Newport Poole Tigers BLSW
Weymouth SW Fours R2
19-Jun Somersham Gt Blakenham EAL2
22-Jun Bristol SG Ipswich BTC QF 88-89
Dudley Sandwell BTC QF 113-66
Exeter Poole BTC QF 56-106
Wednesfield Stockport BTC QF 119-59
23-Jun Dudley Wednesfield BLM/SW
Manchester Sheffield BLN
Birmingham Tameside BLN
Hull Stockport BLN
Heckmondwike Sowerby Bridge BLN
Thurrock Spixworth BLSE
Eaton North Park BLSE
East London Hawbush BLSE2
Headley Hellingly BLSE2
Morden Tolworth BLSE2
Wimbledon Crawley BLSE2
Poole Tigers Leicester BLSWP
Sandwell Poole Comets BLSWP
Swindon Bristol SG A BLSW
Exeter Bristol SG B BLSW
Poole C Weymouth BLSW
25-Jun Trimley Kesgrave EAL2 69-81
26-Jun Woodbridge Trimley EAL 101-71
Gt Blakenham Somersham EAL
29-Jun Hellingly Wimbledon BLSE2
Dudley All England Pairs
30-Jun Wednesfield Sandwell BLM/SW
Tameside Sheffield BLN
Stockport Birmingham BLN
Sowerby Bridge Hull BLN
Newcastle Heckmondwike BLN
Basildon Horspath BLSE
Eaton Ipswich BLSE
North Park Norwich BLSE2
Tolworth East London BLSE2
Morden Headley BLSE2
Hawbush Crawley BLSE2
Leicester Bristol SG A BLSWP
Poole Comets Dudley BLSWP
Weymouth Poole Tigers BLSW
Swindon Bristol SG B BLSW
Exeter Newport BLSW
3-Jul Trimley Kesgrave SD1 64-66
Somersham Gt Blakenham SD1
7-Jul Sandwell Leicester BLM/SW
Hull Newcastle BLN
Norwich Thurrock BLSE
Horspath Gt Blakenham BLSE
Ipswich Spixworth BLSE
East London Hellingly BLSE2
Headley Wimbledon BLSE2
Crawley Morden BLSE2
Hawbush Tolworth BLSE2
Poole Tigers Wednesfield BLSWP
Bristol SG A Poole Comets BLSW
Weymouth Exeter BLSW
Poole C Swindon BLSW
Bury Ashtonhurst Fours Tameside
10-Jul Trimley Somersham EAL2 54-95
Gt Blakenham Kesgrave EAL2
13-Jul Thurrock World Junior Champs.
14-Jul Thurrock World Championship D Hemsley
Trimley North Park EAL 66-113
East London Crawley BLSE2
Headley Hawbush BLSE2
Hellingly Morden BLSE2
Wimbledon Tolworth BLSE2
17-Jul Trimley Gt Blakenham SD1 53.5-74.5
Kesgrave Somersham SD1
Newport Wales v Australia
20-Jul Poole World Cup England
Junior World Cup England
21-Jul Manchester Tameside BLN
Sheffield Stockport BLN
Birmingham Sowerby Bridge BLN
Gt Blakenham Basildon BLSE
Thurrock North Park BLSE
Horspath Ipswich BLSE
Morden East London BLSE2
Crawley Hellingly BLSE2
Wimbledon Hawbush BLSE2
24-Jul Somersham Kesgrave EAL2
26-Jul Somersham Suffolk Championship V Brooks
27-Jul   BTC SF
Hellingly Hawbush BLSE2
28-Jul Leicester Wednesfield BLM/SW
Manchester Stockport BLN
Heckmondwike Hull BLN
Newcastle Birmingham BLN
Sowerby Bridge Sheffield BLN
Basildon Norwich BLSE
East London Wimbledon BLSE2
Tolworth Crawley BLSE2
Dudley Poole Comets BLSWP
Sandwell Bristol SG A BLSWP
Poole Exeter BLSW
Newport Bristol SG B BLSW
31-Jul Trimley Somersham EAL 65-114
Woodbridge Gt Blakenham EAL
3-Aug Hellingly Tolworth BLSE2
4-Aug Dudley Leicester BLM/SW
Sowerby Bridge Manchester BLN
Stockport Tameside BLN
Sheffield Newcastle BLN
Norwich Spixworth BLSE
Horspath Thurrock BLSE
Ipswich Gt Blakenham BLSE
Crawley Headley BLSE2
Poole Comets Sandwell BLSWP
Bristol SG A Poole Tigers BLSW
Exeter Swindon BLSW
Bristol SG B Weymouth BLSW
Poole C Newport BLSW
7-Aug Kesgrave Trimley SD1 68-61
Gt Blakenham Somersham SD1
10-Aug Dudley British U15 Individual C Wheatley
11-Aug Manchester Newcastle BLN
Tameside Sowerby Bridge BLN
Hull Birmingham BLN
Heckmondwike Sheffield BLN
Thurrock Basildon BLSE
Gt Blakenham Eaton BLSE
Spixworth North Park BLSE
Wimbledon Morden BLSE2
Dudley Bristol SG A BLSWP
Poole Comets Leicester BLSW
Wednesfield Poole Tigers BLSW
Newport SW Fours R3
13-Aug Sowerby Bridge Turks Head Classic
14-Aug Somersham Trimley EAL2 79-71
Kesgrave Gt Blakenham EAL2
17-Aug Poole British U21 Individual A Jackson
North Park Porkys Pairs Hethersett
18-Aug Sandwell Dudley BLM/SW
Heckmondwike Manchester BLN
Newcastle Tameside BLN
Sowerby Bridge Stockport BLN
Sheffield Hull BLN
Basildon Ipswich BLSE
Eaton Norwich BLSE
North Park Horspath BLSE
Crawley Wimbledon BLSE2
Bristol SG A Wednesfield BLSWP
Weymouth Poole Comets BLSW
Bristol SG B Exeter BLSW
Swindon Newport BLSW
Weymouth Poole C BLSW
21-Aug Gt Blakenham Trimley EAL2 91-71
24-Aug Astley & Tyldesley
Sowerby Bridge
British Ind. QR M Griffiths
M Hepworth
D Hemsley
M Cooper
25-Aug Astley & Tyldesley
Sowerby Bridge
British Ind. QR J Varnish
I Clark
C Harcourt
M Hepworth
26-Aug Heckmondwike British Final J Varnish
British U18 Final A Jackson
North Park Pride of the East D Hemsley
Ace Junior Sport Trophy C Wheatley
1-Sep Wednesfield Dudley BLM/SW
Manchester Hull BLN
Tameside Heckmondwike BLN
Stockport Newcastle BLN
Birmingham Sheffield BLN
Horspath Spixworth BLSE
Norwich Gt Blakenham BLSE
Ipswich Thurrock BLSE
Morden Hawbush BLSE2
Poole Tigers Sandwell BLSWP
Bristol SG A Leicester BLSWP
Bristol SG B Poole Comets BLSW
Swindon SW Fours R4
7-Sep Somersham Fete Pairs Brooks/Soames
Thurrock Thurrock v North Park BSTC F 86-92
8-Sep Thurrock Poole v Wednesfield BTC F 90-89
Newcastle Sowerby Bridge BLN
Heckmondwike Stockport BLN
Morden Crawley BLSE2
14-Sep Hethersett British U12 Individual J Carter
15-Sep Heckmondwike Birmingham BLN
Leicester Norwich SEA
Spixworth Basildon BLSE
Thurrock Eaton BLSE
Gt Blakenham North Park BLSE
Tolworth Morden BLSE2
Newport Bristol SG A BLSW
Poole Comets Swindon BLSW
Exeter Poole Tigers BLSW
21-Sep Leicester British Veteran Ind. Champs G Patman
Trimley Spixworth EAL 72-107
Gt Blakenham Best Pairs
22-Sep Birmingham Manchester BLN
Hull Tameside BLN
Sowerby Bridge Newcastle BLN
Leicester Spixworth SEA
Horspath Norwich BLSE
Thurrock Gt Blakenham BLSE
Eaton Basildon BLSE
Bristol SG A Exeter BLSW
Swindon Poole Tigers BLSW
Poole Comets Weymouth BLSW
24-Sep Kesgrave Suffolk 4TT Kesgrave
BLSW Individuals
29-Sep Birmingham Tameside v Heckmondwike BLN KOC F 91-84
Horspath Leicester SEA
Gt Blakenham Spixworth BLSE
Norwich Ipswich BLSE
Basildon North Park BLSE
Weymouth Bristol SG B BLSW
Poole Tigers Bristol SG B BLSW
Swindon Poole Comets BLSW
5-Oct Trimley Club Pairs Shaw/Vest
6-Oct Leicester Basildon SEA
Spixworth Thurrock BLSE
Ipswich Horspath BLSE
North Park Eaton BLSE
13-Oct Spixworth Eaton BLSE
Bristol SG B Poole C BLSW
? Trimley Club Championship S Hood
7&8 Dec Halesowen British Indoor Ind. D Hemsley